Monday, August 22, 2005

Slowly Dawning Realization - Cunningham is a Crook

The North County Times editorialized today, that San Diego County residents were seeing history: A sitting Congressman facing the possibility of charges of bribery. Where has the NC Time editorial board been for the last couple of months?

The most recent Federal action placing a "lis pendens" against Cunningham's $2.55 million Rancho Santa Fe home is a clear demonstration of the depth of the government case against Cunningham. The nature of the "lis pendens" is to allow the government to avoid disclosure of the details of its case, while at the same time preventing Cunningham from taking advantage of funds the government contends were illegally obtained.

"The federal investigation of Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham has taken a major turn.

For the first time, the government has said it believes Cunningham violated federal bribery laws. The U.S. attorney claims that's how he got money to buy his home in Rancho Santa Fe."

The NC Times would do the public a greater service if it were to demand that Cunningham relinquish his seat in Congress considering the nature of the charges against him and the fact that his defense of these charges makes him a less effective servant of the people who he is supposed to represent. An editiorial that says the government is making a case hardly provides anything new.

In a related Cunningham note, The Houston Voice, an alternate lifestyle publication, has a rambling speculation about Cunningham that it titles, "Semi-outed, antigay congressman faces bribery probe." I'll leave you with the link and let it go at that.