Thursday, August 18, 2005

Republican Entitlement

State Senator Bill Morrow's recent campaign rally will cost the city of Carlsbad in excess of $100,000. Morrow's event, billed as a "town hall meeting" on immigration, required massive security which was provided by the city of Carlsbad, with extensive assistance from surrounding communities. The North County Times has the details.

"The "town hall" meeting, presented by Morrow and held at the Carlsbad Cultural Arts Center at Carlsbad High School, featured a slate of speakers who talked about the negative effects of illegal immigration on the nation's heath care and educational systems, national security and the environment."

Carlsbad mayor, Bud Lewis, clearly understands the real purpose of Morrow's "meeting".

"Lewis called the Morrow forum a "political gimmick" designed to give the state senator public attention as he runs to replace Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham, R-Escondido, in the 50th congressional district.

"I'm a Republican," Lewis said, "but I'm not a stupid Republican, and I resent it."

Lewis said Morrow added insult to injury by suing the school district for legal fees accrued in Morrow's suit to compel the district to allow the forum.

"My taxpayers are getting hit twice," Lewis said. "Once for the folly of the forum, and again for the suit against the district. We're getting double whammied by him."

Morrow refuses to accept any responsibility for the costs or the need for extra security.

"Those costs were not generated by me or Roger Hedgecock or the slate of speakers, but by the radical leftists, anarchists, the protesters and illegal immigrants who tried to disrupt it," Morrow said Wednesday by phone from Sacramento. "I have done dozens of these forums on dozens of issues and I've never had to deal with this." Hedgecock is a San Diego talk-radio host who moderated the event. Morrow denied any responsibility for the costs incurred by Carlsbad police and seven other law enforcement agencies that came at the request of the Carlsbad Police Department. An estimated 150 law enforcement officials from as far away as El Cajon and Chula Vista responded to the call for extra security."

Leftist, anarchist, protesters and illegal immigrants are to blame. Morrow organizes a sham public forum, uses a right wing talk show host to publicize the event, excludes anyone who disagrees with him or his slate of immigant bashing speakers and then blames the need for extra security on the people locked out of the building.

This guy wants to represent me in Congress. I don't think so.

Hat tip to North County Blues.