Accountability and Leadership
Who won't Bush fire over the Katrina disaster? Just as in
For four years the Bush Administration has been talking about preparing for a terrorist nuclear or chemical attack on an American city. Billions of dollars have been diverted for security projects in venerable places like
Money needed to rebuild and upgrade levees in
“…if, as initial reports have it, FEMA has been weakened and rolled into Homeland Security...we need to demand accountability. FEMA is a good program. It works. The citizens of
We've suffered a major natural disaster. Who is the point person for our federal government? What were the contingency plans? As far as I know, aside from the President's statement, given at a press meetup on
Who is the leader here? It is a simple question. This disaster unfolded over a period of days. The potential magnitude of the disaster was understood as soon as Katrina cleared the Florida coast and began sucking energy from the warm gulf waters. While all this was happening, Bush vacationed and when he got tired of fishin', nappin', bikin', spittin' and brush clearin', he jumped on Air Force One and flew off to do some politicin' the friendly confines of Arizona and Coronado.
As AmericaBlog points out, newspapers are already asking why was the President sticking with his schedule, including yesterday's return to Crawford, instead of getting involved with saving lives and putting the U.S economy right.
The Arizona Republic questions Bush's decision to drop in on a retirement community on Monday, instead of getting involved with his job.
Bush could have pointed this out. He could have skipped Arizona for Washington, D.C. He could have said that war, immigration, Social Security, Medicare and the rest are important, but for this day let's put them aside, along with the rest of our personal and political special interests, and concentrate on the folks in the path of the storm."
Instead of leading by example and heading back to the office to roll up his sleeves and save some lives, Bush continued on with his West Coast swing. He had an important message to deliver about prescription medication, immigration and the end of World War II.
Who is the leader here? Where is he hiding? Why is he hiding?
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