Read David Neiwert - "The Rise of Pseudo Facism"

If you don't think our republic is in jeopardy, then read "The Rise of Pseudo Fascism" and think again.
When our leaders place party over the people, secrecy over the rule of law and then take pride in their efforts, we are sliding down the slippery slope at an accelerating rate.
This was written just one year ago and it is already becoming reality:
"The prospects under a Bush-victory scenario – which is to say, the reality we’re faced with –are not much brighter: Bush with a mandate will be Bush Unleashed, and the volatility of this election will likely release a lot of pent-up frustrations at liberals, but it’s difficult to say how high the levels of violence are likely to be. On the other hand, the conservative movement’s totalitarian impulses, particularly in gerrymandering the political system a la Texas, to ensure the GOP’s continued political dominance, raise the chilling prospect of, at the very best, a Stalinist/PRI-style one-party state, where every person in the government is first a member of the party. This shift will be more incremental in nature, but there is also bound to be a breaking point at which a cumulative reaction arises against it.
Secondarily, but perhaps more dangerously, it is possible that the right’s extremist wing will interpret Bush’s “mandate” as a green light to act out violently the demonization and increasingly eliminationist rhetoric directed at liberals over the past decade. This tendency will become not merely dangerous, but a sign of an actual manifestation of fascism, if it becomes officially condoned or encouraged."
In Germany the Nazis won because people of good faith refused to fight back. It is time to fight back now.
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