Monday, September 19, 2005

We Have Lost Our Way

Kid Oakland has a great post up over at K/O. It puts a lot of how I feel into words more eloquent than I can string together.

"It's ad hoc, and has been since 1980. Cakes to Iran. Guns to Honduras. George Schulz and GHW will be long gone by the time the shit really hits the fan. John Kerry knows the truth. So does every congressional Democrat. But most of Congress, on both sides of the aisle, have been phoning it in for decades.

...I love America. I know you do too. You know, to tell the truth, I love people, period. And I love this earth we call home.

And, like you, I know there's a better way. There has to be.

And personally, I think it's high time all of us started working on blank sheet of paper and our ideas.

We've got good ones.

We've gotta be better than this."

We have no national purpose. Why are we here as a nation? Does it matter any more?

What do we aspire to be and what are we willing to do to achieve those aspirations?

The politics of the right are designed to lull us to sleep. They call for nothing from the American people. Our greatest progress as a nation came from sacrifice not complaisance.

There are no politics of the left. Just a bunch of politicians avoiding taking any stand that might be used against them in the future.

I don't want some mystical leader to emerge. I want Americans to step forward and call on the American people to do great things.

I would like to hear someone ask this generation to sacrifice for the next generation, not burden them with debt.

I would like to hear someone propose great works for this nation.

I would like to hear someone propose that we end poverty in this nation.

I would like to hear someone propose that we end hunger in the world.

I would like to hear someone propose that we journey to the stars.

I would like to hear someone propose that we can save our planet and all the variety of creatures that live upon it.

I would like to hear someone propose that we actually learn that the things that divide us are far less than the things we have in common.

AND, I would like them to mean it and ask the rest of us what we are going to do to make it happen.

We need someone to set us free, not tell us what to do and how to think.